NCBS was established in 1975 by African American scholars who recognized the need to formalize the study of the African World experience, as well as expand and strengthen academic units and community programs devoted to this endeavor. NCBS was formed in 1975 out of the substantial need for a national stabilizing force in the developing discipline of Africana/Black Studies. Since the late 1960’s, American education has been profoundly affected by the emergence of Africana/Black Studies. Its impact on the broader educational establishment is due to the holistic and multidisciplinary approach taken by Africana Studies has become the intellectual extension of that movement. The National Council for Black Studies is committed to academic excellence and social responsibility.
NCBS seeks to:
- Facilitate through consultation and other services, the recruitment of Black Scholars for all levels of teaching and research in universities and colleges;
- Assist in the creation and implementation of multicultural education programs and materials for K-12 schools and higher education institutions;
- Promote scholarly African-centered research on all aspects of the African World experience;
- Increase and improve informational resources on Pan-African life and culture to be made available to the general public;
- Provide professional advice to policymakers in education, government and community development;
- Maintain international linkages among Africana Studies scholars;
- Work for the empowerment of African People.
NCBS Activities
Annual Conference
NCBS sponsors an annual conference which provides a forum for the dissemination of scholarship and a venue for mentoring students who wish to pursue a career in Africana Studies.
International Journal of African Studies (IJAS)
NCBS publishes a professional refereed journal dedicated to scholarship and research about people of African descent. The journal (formerly known as The Afrocentric Scholar) was renamed The International Journal of African Studies in 1995. IJAS is a bi-annual publication.
Administrative Institute
The Africana Studies Administrative Institute provides new Chairs and Directors of Africana Studies with the multi-faceted nature of administering Africana/Black Studies academic units. In addition to a rigorous examination of the basic philosophical and bureaucratic challenges that confront the leadership of the discipline, attention is paid to issue such as sexual harassment, affirmative action and other relevant matters.
The Curriculum Project
Since 1985, NCBS has been very active in the development of a meaningful and holistic Africana Studies curriculum. The Africana Studies Curriculum Model was developed by a National Curriculum Committee chaired by Dr. William Little. The model established new curricular standards for undergraduate programs and there is ongoing consultation with educators at all levels to establish standards for K-12 and graduate studies.
Program Evaluation
Evaluation is carried out by scholars who have been involved in the development of the discipline.
International Linkages
The organization is actively committed to the creation and maintenance of a worldwide forum for the advancement of knowledge of history, culture, welfare, and life possibilities of people of African descent. NCBS provides a forum for scholars, researchers and community leaders (within and outside the discipline) to share information, network, and create strategies for the development of Africana Studies.