A special themed issue of the International Journal of Africana Studies
The Transatlantic Slave Trade and National Reckonings:
Remembering, Repressing, Repairing
With 2025 representing the 160th anniversary of the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, abolishing legalized slavery throughout the country, the International Journal of Africana Studies (IJAS) invites article manuscripts for a special themed issue to capture this commemorative moment.
Focusing on multiple Black Atlantic contexts, the IJAS issue will examine governmental and civil society responsiveness or resistance to efforts to reckon with various legacies of the Transatlantic Slave Trade. Guest editors R. Drew Smith and Bertis D. English encourage contributors to explore local, state, national, or international debates; institutional or policy directives; and related topics regarding the public importance of such legacies, especially in the Americas, Africa, and Europe, though contributors may explore other geographical areas.
Manuscripts should be 8,000 to 11,000 words including endnotes or footnotes. Please, send advance notice of your intent to submit along with a title and 250-word abstract to R. Drew Smith, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, rsmith@pts.edu, and to Bertis D. English, Alabama State University, benglish@alasu.edu. Place “IJAS: The Transatlantic Slave Trade and National Reckonings” in the subject field.
November 1, 2024, is the deadline for submissions.