NCBS offers seven membership type options.
Whether you are a department chair, faculty member, student, non-academic or community supporter; there is a membership level that offers the benefits you want and the support you need.



Status is reserved for faculty or staff from any academic institution
$100 per year
  • Discounted conference registration
  • $100 discount on full-page or $50 discount on ½-page conference program book ad
  • Complimentary one-year subscription to International Journal of Africana Studies
  • Ability to nominate individuals for NCBS Awards
  • Ability to promote published books on NCBS Website
  • Discounts and invitations for NCBS workshops and institutes
  • One vote in the Executive Council Elections


Status is reserved for individuals who are not faculty or staff from any academic institution.
$100 per year
  • Discounted conference registration
  • $100 discount on full-page or $50 discount on ½-page conference program book ad
  • Complimentary one-year subscription to International Journal of Africana Studies
  • Ability to nominate individuals for NCBS Awards
  • Ability to promote published books on NCBS Website
  • Discounts and invitations for NCBS workshops and institutes
  • One vote in the Executive Council Elections


Status is reserved for anyone currently enrolled in an academic institution.
$35 per year
  • Discounted conference registration
  • $100 discount on full-page or $50 discount on ½-page conference program book ad
  • Ability to nominate individuals for NCBS Awards
  • Ability to promote published books on NCBS Website
  • Discounts and invitations for NCBS workshops and institutes
  • One vote in the Executive Council Elections


Status is reserved for anyone 65+ years of age and is not full-time faculty or staff at an academic institution.
$50 per year
  • Discounted conference registration
  • $100 discount on full-page or $50 discount on ½-page conference program book ad
  • Ability to nominate individuals for NCBS Awards
  • Ability to promote published books on NCBS Website
  • Discounts and invitations for NCBS workshops and institutes
  • One vote in the Executive Council Elections

LIFETIME - One Payment

Provides an opportunity for members who wish to make a substantial monetary contribution to NCBS
$1500 One Payment
  • $1500 or 3-years @ $500
  • Tax deductible contribution
  • Certificate or Plaque acknowledging Life Membership
  • Special recognition on NCBS website
  • Discounted conference registration
  • $100 discount on full-page or $50 discount on ½-page conference program book ad
  • Complimentary one-year subscription to International Journal of Africana Studies
  • Ability to nominate individuals for NCBS Awards
  • Ability to promote published books on NCBS Website
  • Discounts and invitations for NCBS workshops and institutes
  • One vote in the Executive Council Elections

LIFETIME - Three Payments

Provides an opportunity for members who wish to make a substantial monetary contribution to NCBS
$500 Three Payments
  • $1500 or 3-years @ $500
  • Tax deductible  contribution
  • Certificate or Placque acknowledging Life Membership
  • Special recognition on NCBS website after 3rd payment
  • Discounted conference registration
  • $100 discount on full-page or $50 discount on ½-page conference program book ad
  • Complimentary one-year subscription to International Journal of Africana Studies
  • Ability to nominate individuals for NCBS Awards
  • Ability to promote published books on NCBS Website
  • Discounts and invitations for NCBS workshops and institutes
  • One vote in the Executive Council Elections


Status is reserved for actual academic institutions of any level.
$300 per year
  • The membership year for Institutional members is July 1 – June 30 and is not annual based on the date of initiation.
  • Logo placement with link to department’s website on NCBS website.
  • UNLIMITED Position Announcement postings on NCBS website
  • $100 discount on full-page or $50 discount on ½-page conference program book ad
  • Complimentary one-year subscription to International Journal of Africana Studies
  • Complimentary posting of events/call for papers on NCBS website
  • Discounts and invitations for NCBS workshops and institutes
  • Access to NCBS Civic and Community Education and Engagement Grants Program (after one year of membership)
  • Periodic Program Review


Status is reserved for non-academic organizations of any level, such as churches, professional associations, etc.
$200 per year
  • The membership year for Affiliate members is July 1 – June 30 and is not annual based on the date of initiation.
  • Logo placement with link to affiliate’s website on NCBS website.
  • UNLIMITED Position Announcement postings on NCBS website
  • $100 discount on full-page or $50 discount on ½-page conference program book ad
  • Complimentary one-year subscription to International Journal of Africana Studies
  • Complimentary posting of events/call for papers on NCBS website
  • Discounts and invitations for NCBS workshops and institutes

Institutional Members

Click here to view our Institutional Members


Lifetime Members

Click here to view our LIfetime Members


In Memoriam

Click Here to view Members gone, but not forgotten.