Individual Life Membership – 3 Payments

$500.00 / year for 2 years

Status is reserved for individuals who wish to make a substantial monetary contribution to NCBS payable in three, consecutive, installments, billed annually on July.  Lifetime status effective following the third payment.

Only check the “Purchasing on Behalf of” box if you are buying a membership for someone else; do not check it if you are buying it for yourself.

SKU: membership-lifetime-three Category:


The NCBS membership year is July 1 – June 30 and is not annual based on the date of initiation. Lifetime membership entitles you to: 

  • Members Only Early-Bird Discount conference registration, up to a $175 savings!
  • 50% discount on B&W full-page or ½-page conference program book ad
  • One vote in the Executive Council Elections
  • One copy of the Fall/Winter and Spring/Summer International Journal of Africana Studies (IJAS)
  • Discounts and invitations for NCBS workshops and institutes