The Ankh Maat Wedjau Honor Society is a non-secret, non-profit organization whose purpose is the promotion of scholarly study, research, publication and other scholarly activity in the field of Africana Studies among students at academic institutions, and among academic professionals in the field of Africana studies.
Students shall be nominated by a faculty member at their academic institution. The nominating faculty member must be affiliated with an Africana Studies, Pan African, Black Studies Department or Program, or must have a demonstrated record of teaching a significant number of courses that focus on Africana peoples, and be a member of the National Council for Black Studies. Scholar-Activists shall be nominated by members of the honor society.
Qualifications for undergraduate membership:
- Students nominated must be a major or minor in Africana Studies, PanAfrican Studies or Black Studies, etc.
- They must have maintained a 3.5 grade point average (or an equivalent letter grade) in their Africana Studies coursework.
- They must have a 3.0 grade point average overall in all course work under taken.
- Students must have completed a minimum of 60 semester credits or its equivalent and have undertaken a minimum of 12 semester units (or its equivalent) in their Africana Studies major or minor.
- Letter of Recommendation from a faculty member.
- Must be a member of NCBS.
- Must complete an application by the deadline submitting the required information and $25.00 induction fee.
Qualifications for graduate student membership:
- Students must be pursuing Masters or Doctoral degrees in Black Studies.For those students who are not pursuing graduate work leading to an actual degree in Black Studies, a minor field will be acceptable (e.g. thePh.D. in sociology with a concentration in African American studies or the M.A. in political science with a concentration in African American Politics).
- 3.8 G.P.A
- Completed at least 18 credit hours in their current graduate program.
- Demonstrates a commitment to social engagement and community volunteerism.
- Evidence of a commitment to the highest standards of scholarship.
- Letter of Recommendation from a faculty member.
- Must be a member of NCBS
- Must complete an application by the deadline submitting the required information and $25.00 induction fee.
Qualifications for Scholar-Activist:
- Actively engaged in Black Studies for five (5) or more years. Activities include research, scholarly publications, engagement in social, cultural,and political organizations; demonstrated commitment to the empowerment of the Black community, including leadership in the establishment of organizations or programs dedicated to the development and advancement of the Black community (e.g. Saturday academies, after school programs, etc.); and/or an academic appointment in the field of Black Studies.
- Must have a letter of recommendation from a member of Ankh Maat Wedjau.
- Must provide a brief summary, no more than two pages, of scholarly/activist achievements. Academic transcripts are NOT required.
- Must be a member of NCBS
- Must complete an application by the deadline submitting the required information and $25.00 induction fee.
Nominations for the 2025 induction class are due by Friday, January 31, 2025. Ceremony will take place during the closing banquet on Saturday, March 22.

Click here to fill out Membership Application
Click here to pay Induction Fee
Click here to pay Membership Fee
Click here for copy of Qualifications