Volume 20, No.1; Spring-Summer 2019


SKU: ijas-v20 Category:


Articles included in this publications:

African American Autobiography: Notes on Voices from the South by Jerry W. Ward Jr.

The ‘Feeling of Terror’: Middle-Class Respectibility, Police Abuse, and Black Working-Class Resistance in 1950s Milwaukee by Erica L. Metcalfe

Building a Church in the Army: Chaplain Robert Boston Dokes, Religious Resistance to Racial Segregation, and Black Troops during World War II by George White Jr.

The Effects of Perceived Discrimination on the Mental Health of College-Aged Black Americans and Caribbean Blacks by Anthony D. Greene

Colonialism, Postcolonial Migration, and the Fragmentation of Black Paris, 1940s – 1980s by Felix Germain

Body, Voice, and the Claim of Beauty in Julie Dash’s Film Daughters of the Dust by Anthony J. Cascardi

Book Review:

Maurice J. Hobson’s The Legend of the Black Mecca: Politics and Class in the Making of Modern Atlanta by Gregory Mixon

Additional information

Weight .8 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × .25 in
Type of Order

US Individual, International Individual, Institutional Member, International Institutional Member